dedicated OCd & Anxiety treatment
Despite the name, at Sydney Phobia Clinic, we can treat more than just phobias…
The clinically-trained psychologists at Sydney Phobia Clinic can develop a tailored treatment plan for a range of additional concerns, such as those described below:
OCD- related disorders
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterised by preoccupying thoughts- obsessions- and ritualistic behaviours aimed at reducing the discomfort associated with these thoughts- compulsions. The discomfort is often feelings of anxiety but may also include doubt, uncertainty, guilt, shame, or disgust. OCD treatment requires an experienced approach to both assessment and ERP. Our OCD clinicians can provide this, with over a decade of specific OCD treatment experience.
OCD can vary by themes and can include:
Order and symmetry
Harm and violence
Religious or Moral (scrupulosity)
Unwanted sexual thoughts
Mental or physical health
‘Pure O’
Other conditions related to OCD include:
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD, MDD)
Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety disorders are characterised by worry and anxious apprehension, noticeable physiological symptoms such as breathing changes, quickened heart rate, trembling, or panic, and avoidance or distress in certain situations.
Phobias are a type of anxiety disorder and other types of anxiety disorders include:
Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)
Panic disorder
Social anxiety disorder, and
Illness anxiety.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is the leading treatment for a range of psychological concerns, and can help get individual improvements for the full spectrum of sub-clinical to severe-clinical issues. This approach starts with a diagnostic assessment to get a full, broad understanding of an individual’s issue/s, background, and context. From there, the problem/s are formulated and a structured treatment plan is developed. CBT can help with symptom management, unhelpful thoughts or thinking styles, and behaviour modification, as well as assisting with goal-setting, assertiveness, and relapse prevention. CBT is a proactive therapy, so it is important that the clinician and client are on the same page with the goals of the treatment plan, and the client has availability to dedicate to skills practice between-sessions. For OCD in particular, a specific CBT approach called Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is recommended.
Fees and charges
Fees for initial assessments, reviews, and single sessions for anxiety and OCD treatment are $220- $260 per session, depending on psychologist, and may be eligible for Medicare or Private health rebates.
To be eligible for Medicare rebates, you will need a referral and Mental Health Care Plan completed by your doctor. Private health rebates will depend on your cover and you will need to contact your insurer to enquire more about this.